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import ReactNipple from 'react-nipple/src/ReactNipple.js'
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react~Component → ReactNipple

A react wrapper component for nipplejs.


Static Member Summary

Static Public Members
public static get

propTypes: {"className": *, "options": *, "static": *, "onStart": *, "onEnd": *, "onMove": *, "onDir": *, "onPlain": *, "onShown": *, "onHidden": *, "onPressure": *, "onCreated": *, "onDestroy": *}

Component propTypes

Static Public Members

public static get propTypes: {"className": *, "options": *, "static": *, "onStart": *, "onEnd": *, "onMove": *, "onDir": *, "onPlain": *, "onShown": *, "onHidden": *, "onPressure": *, "onCreated": *, "onDestroy": *} source

Component propTypes

Any additional (unknown) props will be passed along as attributes of the created DOM element.


className string

A css classname for the DOM element

options object

An object with nipplejs options, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#options

static boolean

A shortcut for setting the options {mode: 'static', position: {top: '50%', left: '50%'}}. Will override values in the options object.

onCreated function

Callback that is invoked with the created instance

onDestroy function

Callback that is invoked with the instance that is going to be destroyed

onStart function

Callback for the 'start' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#start

onEnd function

Callback for the 'end' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#end

onMove function

Callback for the 'move' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#move

onDir function

Callback for the 'dir' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#dir

onPlain function

Callback for the 'plain' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#plain

onShown function

Callback for the 'shown' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#shown

onHidden function

Callback for the 'hidden' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#hidden

onPressure function

Callback for the 'pressure' event handler, see https://github.com/yoannmoinet/nipplejs#pressure