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const instances = [];


if (!window.__persistenceInitialized) {
    window.__persistenceInitialized = true;
    window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function persistAll() {
        instances.forEach(instance => {
            if (instance.enabled) {
                try {
                } catch (error) {
                    console.warn('[Persistence] Failed saving', {

 * A wrapper for persisting data to `localStorage` or `sessionStorage`.
 * You can create multiple instances but you must provide unique names;
 * The API resembles the one from the web storage objects: `setItem(key, vaue)`, `getItem(key)`, `removeItem(key)`, but there are also shorter aliases: `set()`, `get()` and `remove()`.
 * In order to avoid expensive JSON serialization/deserialization by interacting with the storage backend, the data is held in memory (in a simple object).
 * All operations operate on that plain object. An event listener is registered for the `window.beforeunload` event, and only then we will serialize the data to an actual JSON string.
 * The string is then persisted to the backend storage, e.g. `window.localStorage` (default).
 * @example
 * const storage = new Persistence('storage');
 * storage.setItem('started', new Date());
 * console.log(storage.getItem('started'));
 * @author jovica.aleksic@xailabs.de
class Persistence {
    // Static API

     * Whether to log details to the console when certain static methods are called.
     * @type {Boolean}
    static logging = false;

     * An array containing all instances.
     * _NOTE: This is a read-only value. You can not mutate the actual instances array._
     * @type {Array}
    static get instances() {
        return [...instances];

     * Returns an already existing instance for a given name or creates a new instance and returns it.
     * Note that all constructor options are supported here as well.
     * @param {Object} [options] - Options object
     * @param {String} [options.publicPath = '/'] - The path where this app is deployed within the current origin
     * @return {Object} - The found or created `Persistence` object
    static connect(name, options = {}) {
        const instance = Persistence.get(`[${options.publicPath || DEFAULT_PUBLIC_PATH}]${name}`);
        if (instance) {
            if (options) {
            return instance;
        return new Persistence(name, options);

    /* eslint-disable */
     * Gets an instance by its full name.
     * The full name includes the `publicPath` in order to avoid collisions in cases where multiple apps operate within the same origin.
     * For example, if you created an instance via `new Persistence('foo')`, you could access it via `Persistence.get('[/]foo')`.  
     * On the other hand, you might also have a debuggable version deployed on the same origin at `/dev`. (You'd probably use some kind of config value for `publicPath` in such cases).  
     * So, if you had created the instance via `new Persistence('foo', {publicPath: '/dev'})`, you would access it via `Persistence.get('[/dev]foo')`.
     * _NOTE: If you do not want to deal with full names and `publicPath` values, use `Persistence.find(name)` instead._  
     * _NOTE: If you need to get all instances of the origin, use `Persistence.filter(name)` instead._
     * @see {@link Persistence.find}
     * @see {@link Persistence.filter}
     * @param {String} name - the full instance name
     * @return {Object} - The found `Persistence` object or `undefined`
    /* eslint-enable */
    static get(name) {
        return instances.find(instance => instance.name === name);

     * Finds a single instance by partial name match.
     * @example
     * const instance = new Persistence('config', {publicPath: '/app-one/dev'});
     * console.log(Persistence.find('conf')) // {logging: false, save: ƒ, name: "[/app-one/dev]config", backend: Storage, defaultData: {…}, …}
     * @param {string|RegExp} name - A string or regular expression that will be matched against instance names
     * @return {Object} - The found `Persistence` object or `undefined`
    static find(name) {
        return instances.find(instance => instance.name.match(name));

     * Filters all instances by partial name match.
     * @param {string|RegExp} name - A string or regular expression that will be matched against instance names
     * @return {Array} - An array of matching `Persistence` objects. Might be empty.
    static filter(name) {
        return instances.filter(instance => instance.name.match(name));

     * Returns an object containing all instances as values.
     * The instance names are used as keys. If you need an array of instances and don't care about their names, use `Object.values(Persistence.getAll())`.
     * @return {Object} - A key/value object where each key is an instance name and each value is an instance.
    static getAll() {
        return instances.reduce((result, instance) => {
            result[instance.name] = instance;
            return result;
        }, {});

     * Clears the data of all instances.
     * @param {Object} [options] - Options object
     * @param {Array} [options.only] - An array of names. If provided, **only** instances whose names match partially will be cleared.
     * @param {Array} [options.not] - An array of names. If provided, instances whose names match partially will **NOT** be cleared.
    static clearAll(options = {}) {
        const onlyIncluded = instance => !options.only || options.only.find(name => instance.name.match(name));
        const notExcluded = instance => !options.not || !options.not.find(name => instance.name.match(name));
        const cleared = instances
            .map(instance => {
                return instance;
        const skipped = instances.filter(instance => cleared.indexOf(instance) === -1);
        Persistence.logging &&
                cleared.length ? `\n\tcleared: ${cleared.map(instance => instance.name)}` : '',
                skipped.length ? `\n\tskipped: ${skipped.map(instance => instance.name)}` : ''

     * Retrieves the size of the occupied space for all instances.
     * The value is a number of characters and roughly approximates bytes.
     * TODO: proper byte-size conversion
    static getSize() {
        return instances.reduce((result, instance) => {
            return result + instance.getSize();
        }, 0);

    // Instance API

     * Whether to log details to the console when certain instance methods are called.
     * @type {Boolean}
    logging = false;

    /* eslint-disable */
     * Creates a new Persistence object.  
     * A Persistence stores its data in a simple object (in memory) and persists the data as a JSON string to web storage backend (e.g. `window.localStorage`) before the window unloads, using the instance `name` as the actual key in the web storage backend.
     * When a new instance is created, it looks for previously stored data in the web storage backend, and parses it back to a data object for runtime usage.
     * This means that you can set and get values without an performance penalty, JSON conversion only happens at startup and before unload.
     * You can specify a name to enable multiple apps on the same origin without collisions in data using the `publicPath` option.
     * (Consider that localStorage is shared per origin (protocol, host, port), so if you want to have two _instances in /a and /b, you can use those paths as names for the Persistence)
     * @param {String} name - A unique name for this backend object.
     * @param {Object} options -
     * @param {Object} options.data - An initial data object for this instance
     * @param {Object} options.backend - The backend object to use as backend. Should expose `getItem`, `getItem` and `removeItem` function. Defaults to `window.localStorage`.
     * @param {Boolean} options.logging - Whether to enable to logging for this instance
     * @param {Boolean} options.autoEnable - Whether this instance should be enabled. Defaults to true.
     * @param {String} [options.publicPath = '/'] - The path where this app is deployed within the current origin
    /* eslint-enable */
    constructor(name, options = {}) {
        this.name = `[${options.publicPath || DEFAULT_PUBLIC_PATH}]${name}`;
        this.save = this.save.bind(this);

     * @private
    init({ backend = window.localStorage, autoEnable = true, data = {}, logging = this.logging } = {}) {
        this.backend = backend;
        this.logging = logging;
        this.defaultData = this.defaultData || { ...data };
        this.data = { ...this.defaultData, ...this.data, ...data };

        if (!this.backend.getItem(`${this.name}:disabled`) && autoEnable) {
            const savedData = this.backend.getItem(this.name);
            if (savedData) {
                try {
                    this.data = { ...this.data, ...JSON.parse(savedData) };
                } catch (error) {
                    console.warn('[Persistence] failed parsing saved data', {

     * Checks if a property exists.
     * Note: `true` will be returned as long as the key is found on the data object, even if the value itself is empty.
     * @param {String} key - The property name to check for existence.
     * @return {Boolean} - `true` if `key` was found
    has(key) {

     * Alias for `setItem(key, value)`
     * @see {@link Persistence#setItem}
     * @param {String|Object} key - The key for the value
     * @param {any} [value] - When `key` is a string: the value, otherwise: the `autoSave` flag
     * @param {Boolean} [autoSave] - When `key` is a string: Whether to immediatly write to the backend.
    set(key, value, autoSave) {
        return this.setItem(key, value, autoSave);

     * Alias for `getItem(key)`
     * @see {@link Persistence#getItem}
     * @param {String} key - The key to retrieve a value for
     * @return {any} - The value for `key`
    get(key) {
        return this.getItem(key);

     * Alias for `removeItem(key)`
     * @see {@link Persistence#removeItem}
     * @param {String} key - The key to delete
     * @param {Boolean} autoSave - Whether to write to backend. Defaults to false
    remove(key, autoSave) {
        return this.removeItem(key, autoSave);

     * Retrieves a value from the backend data.
     * - Booleans, numbers, undefined and null will be parsed/casted to proper JS objects/values
     * - All other values will be returned as strings
     * Note: This does not read from the backend directly, but from the data object instead (which was initially parsed from the backend values)
     * @param {String} key - The key to retrieve a value for
     * @return {any} - The value for `key`
    getItem(key) {
        if (key === undefined) {
            this.logging && console.log('get', { key, result: this.data });
            return this.data;
        const getValue = () => {
            const value = this.data[key];
            if (value !== undefined) {
                if (value === 'true' || value === true) {
                    return true;
                if (value === 'false' || value === false) {
                    return false;
                if (value === 'undefined') {
                    return undefined;
                if (value === 'null' || value === null) {
                    return null;
                if (value === '') {
                    return '';
                if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                    // explicitely check for array!
                    // otherwise, an array containing a single numeric value will pass as a number in the next isNaN check
                    // because javascript is an idiot sometimes..: `isNaN(['1']) === false` due to casting/auto-boxing `['1'] -> '1' -> 1 > numeric`
                    return value;
                if (!isNaN(value)) {
                    return Number(value);
                return value || null;
            return value;
        const result = getValue();

        this.logging && console.log('get', { key, result });
        return result;

     * Sets a key/value to the data object.
     * If the first argument is not a string but an object, the signature changes to `(values, autoSave)` and `setItemValues` will be used internally.
     * @param {String|Object} key - The key for the value
     * @param {any} [value] - When `key` is a string: the value, otherwise: the `autoSave` flag
     * @param {Boolean} [autoSave] - When `key` is a string: Whether to immediatly write to the backend.
    setItem(key, value, autoSave) {
        if (typeof key !== 'string') {
            return this.setItemValues(key, value);
        this.data[key] = value;
        this.logging && console.log('set', key, value);
        if (autoSave === true) {

     * Deletes a key and its value from the data object.
     * Does not write to this.backend automatically!
     * @param {String} key - The key to delete
     * @param {Boolean} autoSave - Whether to write to backend. Defaults to false
    removeItem(key, autoSave) {
        delete this.data[key];
        this.logging && console.log('remove', key);
        if (autoSave === true) {

     * Sets all values of a given object at once.
     * Calls `set(key, value)` for each key of the object.
     * @param {Object} values - An object with keys and values
     * @param {Boolean} autoSave - Whether to write to the storage backend right away.
    setItemValues(values, autoSave) {
        Object.keys(values).forEach(key => {
            this.set(key, values[key]);
        if (autoSave) {

     * Persistently enables this instance.
     * Setters will change values, save will write to the backend, save() will be called before unload.
    enable() {
        this.enabled = true;

     * Persistently disables this instance.
     * The data object will be cleared, setters will not change values anymore, save() will not write to the backend, and it will not be called before unload.
     * To only disable the functionality without flushing the data, pass `false` as argument.
     * The disabled state will be persisted to backend: The instance remains inactive until `enable()` is called, even across browser reload.
     * @param {Boolean} autoClear - Whether to remove the data as well. Defaults to true.
    disable(autoClear = true) {
        if (autoClear) {
        this.enabled = false;
        this.backend.setItem(`${this.name}:disabled`, true);

     * Empties the data object and the persisted backend values.
    clear() {
        this.logging && console.log('clear', { ...this.data });
        this.data = { ...this.defaultData };

     * Writes the data object to backend
    save() {
        try {
            this.logging && console.log('save', this.name, { ...this.data }, JSON.stringify(this.data));
            const data = JSON.stringify(this.data);
            this.backend.setItem(this.name, data);
        } catch (error) {

     * Gets the size of this storage.
     * Seems to approximate bytes.
     * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/34245594/368254
     * @return {number} - The number of characters used to store the stringified data.
    getSize() {
        var sum = 0;
        const keys = Object.keys(this.data);
        const data = this.data;
        for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
            var key = keys[i];
            var value = JSON.stringify(data[key]);
            sum += key.length + value.length;
        return sum;

export default Persistence;
window.Persistence = Persistence;